
  • Veli Peksüslü


    10 weeks
    All levels
    26 lessons
    8 quizzes
    4 students
    Programu E-Learning možete pristupiti iz odeljka za nastavni plan i program sa strane. UNIT 1                 …
  • Veli Peksüslü


    10 weeks
    All levels
    26 lessons
    8 quizzes
    1 student
    Μπορείτε να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στο πρόγραμμα E-Learning από την ενότητα του προγράμματος σπουδών στο πλάι.…
  • Veli Peksüslü


    10 weeks
    All levels
    26 lessons
    8 quizzes
    1 student
    E-Öğrenme programına yandaki müfredat bölümünden ulaşabilirsiniz. UNIT 1                  :               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9uX_MNodbs UNIT 2                  :             …
  • Veli Peksüslü


    10 weeks
    All levels
    26 lessons
    8 quizzes
    1 student
    You can access the E-Learning program from the curriculum section on the side. UNIT 1                 …
  • Veli Peksüslü


    10 weeks
    All levels
    26 lessons
    8 quizzes
    0 students
    Puede acceder al programa E-Learning desde la sección de currículo al costado. UNIT 1                  :…